The Murph Workout
When it comes to challenging and effective workouts, few can compare to the Murph. It was named after Lt. Michael Murphy, a Navy Seal who was killed in action in 2005. The Murph Workout has become a popular workout among active and retired service members. It is also very popular among civilians looking for a true test of their fitness.

What is the Murph Workout?
The Murph Workout is a training schedule created by Navy SEALs that uses body weight exercises to improve cardiovascular fitness. It also helps gain strength, and increases endurance.
The Murph Training Plan.
The Murph Training Plan consists of a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and another mile run. These exercises are done continuously without any rest in between.
When performed by elite level athletes it is nothing short of incredible to watch. The Murph Workout starts with a mile run. Then the athlete returns to the starting point. They then do the following sequence: 100 pull ups, 200 push-ups and 300 air squats. The athlete then repeats the same sequence without rest, then again without rest. Then he repeats the same sequence one more time and done. The athlete will repeat this over and over until his body is nearly unable to perform the sequence of exercises.
Who is the Murph Workout Named After, and why?
The Murph Workout is named after and dedicated to the memory of Lt. Michael Murphy, USN. Murphy was born in Smithtown, New York on May 7, 1976. He was one of the elite Navy SEALs who gave his life for his country in a battle against Al Qaida forces. This took place in eastern Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. His bravery and service to our nation earned him the Bronze Star with Valor device and the Purple Heart Medal.

Murphy felt that many physical fitness programs were detached from a real-world situation. He felt that most of these exercises were meaningless to service members in the field who need to be physically fit and ready for combat. He felt that these exercises did not properly prepare service members for combat and that genuine muscle strength was far more important than speed, agility, or power.
Murphy began to design his own workout routine. It consisted of a 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 air squats. Murphy and his fellow service members began to regularly perform the rigorous workout in order to prepare them for potential combat situations. The men felt that this new routine gave them increased endurance and improved physical strength better than any other exercise they had been doing. The SEALs began referring to these exercises as “the Murph” in Murphy’s honor.
It is obvious that the emphasis on strength, cardio and endurance are all essential aspects of any good workout. However, there is little doubt that the Murph workout represents Murphy’s full dedication to providing the perfect workout for Navy SEALs.
What is the special Murph Challenge Day and who takes part?
The Murph Challenge Day is an annual event that takes place on Memorial Day. The challenge is open to anyone who wants to take part, and many people use it as a way to honor the memory of Lt. Murphy and other service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
It is incorporated as a CrossFit exercise. CrossFit is a workout regimen that combines elements of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, plyometrics, powerlifting, kettlebell training, and high-intensity interval training. The Murph crossfit is a popular workout among Crossfitters because it is a true test of fitness. Many people use the Murph workout as a way to measure their progress and see just how far they can push themselves.
On Memorial Day, the Murph Workout is traditionally performed to honor those men and women who have given their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The Murph Challenge day is organized by CrossFit, Inc. and is considered a “holistic lifestyle” event.
Many civilians also take part in the challenge day, including former President George Bush, who ran through a course of 2 marathons in Houston, Texas during the 2007 Challenge Day.
Originally for the Military
While the Murph Workout was originally designed as a military training exercise, it has become a popular workout not only among service members, but also among civilians looking for a true test of their fitness. When people take part in this challenge day, they do so to remember and honor those who have given their lives for our country. So regardless of how difficult the Murph workout may seem to you, it pales in comparison to what these brave men and women did for our country.
Since its invention , the Murph workout has become a staple of fitness around the military and civilian communities. As a test of fitness and endurance it is one of the most grueling exercises ever seen in America.
How long has the Murph Workout been around?
The Murph workout has been around in some form or another since 2005. It was first used by the UDT SEALs (Underwater Demolition Team) who were later re-tasked to serve as Navy SEALs.
Who can do the Murph Workout?
The Murph workout is best for individuals who are new to weight lifting and want to get started with a routine that will build muscle mass quickly while putting emphasis on improving cardiovascular health. This workout can also be done by individuals who already lift weights with the goal of increasing their fitness level and stamina.
Using this routine, you will be able to increase your stamina and overall endurance for a high impact workout without investing a ton of time in the gym. If you are fit and looking to improve even more than this is workout is great for you because it will challenge your endurance and ability to push yourself in the gym.
How many days per week?
Every individual has a different schedule that works best for them. However, you will want to make sure you are training 3-4 days per week in addition to cardio and stretching.
What equipment should I bring?
This workout may not require a lot of equipment so you should be able to get by with just your body weight. The only equipment you will have to bring is a set of dumbbells and a stool if you plan on doing any sit-ups.
How long will it take?
Murph workout itself will only take about 20 minutes to complete. However, when you factor in the stretching and warm-up time this workout can take at least 30 minutes to complete. The workout is timed. Set a timer on your phone or watch, you do not cut yourself short on your training.
Are there any potential side effects?
The Murph workout itself is pretty safe and healthy. There there are no side effects that have been observed. However, you should be careful when doing any sit-ups or weight training because the forces used in these exercises can cause stress on your back which can lead to injury.
How do I prepare for this challenge day? What should I eat beforehand?
1.You should make sure you are eating four to five hours before you start the workout.
2.You should also make sure that you have at least six hours of sleep because your body will need it to recover from the workout.
3.You must do light stretching before you begin the workout. Make sure you are properly hydrated.
4.Make sure to have some sort of snack that you can hold on to while you are working out. You may need extra energy to complete the workout.
5.Make sure your clothes have a good amount of resistance. It will increase your endurance and decreasing injury risk throughout your workout.
What are the Benefits of the Murph Workout?
1.Increased endurance and stamina. Murph workout places a lot of emphasis on upper body strength which can lead to increased endurance throughout your body.
2.Improved overall fitness. This workout can be done every other day for three weeks with a one week time period to recuperate. After these three weeks, you will see an increase in your overall fitness and endurance level.
3.Build more muscle mass. If you are looking for an exercise that will build muscle mass quickly, this is a great workout for you.
3.Increased strength. This workout will require a lot of force to complete the exercises. It will cause your muscles to become stronger with each day that you do the workout.
5.Improved cardiovascular health and ability to work out longer without getting fatigued quickly or reaching a point of muscle failure. This workout will improve your ability to work out longer without reaching a point of muscle failure where it is impossible to go on.
6.Improved energy level. The exercises in this workout require a lot of energy so it will keep you energized throughout the workout and be able to push yourself harder than most others.
The Murph Workout: Conclusion
The Murph workout is a popular workout that is dedicated to Lt Michael Murphy. It is a challenging workout that many people use as a way to test their fitness level. The Murph crossfit is also popular among Crossfitters as a way to measure their progress and see just how far they can push themselves.
This Murph workout is a challenge for those who want to increase their endurance, stamina and strength while building muscle mass quickly. A more experienced lifter may find this workout too intense but still extremely beneficial. If you’re looking for a new challenge, the Murph workout is a great workout to take on.